Change Your Negative Thoughts with the 4 C's Method

FREE Worksheet
Are Negative Thoughts Holding You Back?
Are you afraid to ask for that promotion?
Are you avoiding difficult convos with your partner?
Do you have some bad habits that sabotage you?
Here's the thing.
Your thoughts create your emotions, which cause your actions, and then... you get the outcomes. No promotion. Relationship tension. Poor health.
I talk A LOT about this in my coaching
Negative thoughts are absolutely holding you back from living up to your true authentic self - and you might not even realize how!

The 4 C's Method
Through my coaching work, I've broken it down to an easy-to-remember 4-step method. Click to read more.
1. Catch your negative thoughts
2. Challenge those thoughts and beliefs
3. Create new thoughts to replace them
4. Cultivate space in your mind to allow new thoughts to take root
Seems simple, right? Well there are some nuances here. The "Thought Tiers" worksheet will help you get started.
The 'Thought Tiers' Worksheets

This is juicy stuff!
This is one of the integral pieces I use in my coaching practice and courses.
We don't jump right into creating new mantras like, "I am a perfect beautiful being of life" when your current negative thought might be, "I am human garbage."
I walk you through my method to gently slowly, one step at a time. The worksheets are printable AND writable PDFs.
Download it now - and I'll even send you some videos on the whole method to help you out.